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Solar Eclipse Glasses/gafas de eclipse solar **No longer available** In-Person
On April 8, 2024, North America will be treated to a mesmerizing solar eclipse spanning Mexico, the United States, and Canada. During a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely blocks the Sun while it passes between the Sun and Earth. People viewing the eclipse from locations where the Moon’s shadow completely covers the Sun – known as the path of totality – will experience a total solar eclipse.
From our location in Westchester, a partial eclipse will be visible (weather permitting). Viewing a partial eclipse without specialized eye protection for solar viewing is unsafe. We have procured a limited number of solar eclipse viewers to share with our patrons and will collect them for reuse after the solar eclipse (more information to follow). **We are no longer taking reservations for solar eclipse viewing glasses, as our supply has been depleted.**
Visit NASA Science for additional safe viewing options.
El 8 de abril de 2024, América del Norte experimentará un eclipse solar que abarcará México, Estados Unidos y Canadá. Durante un eclipse solar total, la Luna bloquea completamente al Sol mientras pasa entre el Sol y la Tierra, creando un fenómeno fascinante. Desde Westchester, se podrá observar un eclipse parcial, siempre y cuando el clima lo permita. Es crucial destacar que no es seguro mirar un eclipse parcial sin protección ocular especializada.
En Westchester, la biblioteca pública de Greenburgh ha adquirido visores de eclipses solares y los compartirá con los patrocinadores. Además, se promueve el uso de métodos de visión indirecta, como proyectores estenopeicos, para disfrutar del eclipse de manera segura sin mirar directamente al Sol (por ejemplo, un agujero en una tarjeta, un colador, una espumadera). **Ya no aceptamos reservas para gafas para ver el eclipse solar, ya que nuestro suministro se ha agotado.
Visite NASA Science para conocer opciones adicionales de visualización segura.
La biblioteca ha organizado programas educativos y atractivos sobre eclipses solares para todas las edades, con gafas reservadas para los participantes en eventos presenciales. ¡La invitación es a disfrutar de este emocionante evento celestial de manera segura y educativa!
If you don’t have specialized eye protection, you can use an indirect viewing method, which does not involve looking directly at the Sun. One way is to use a pinhole projector. A pinhole projector has a small opening (a hole punched in an index card, a slotted spoon, or a colander) and projects an image of the Sun onto a nearby surface. With the Sun at your back, you can safely view the projected image on the ground.
GPL has designed educational and engaging solar eclipse programs for adults, teens, tweens, and children. We have reserved a limited amount of solar eclipse glasses for participants of in-person solar eclipse programming for school-age children. We hope that everyone will enjoy this exciting celestial event safely!